What’s the Best Way to Get to Know Jesus?

If Jesus is the best, then what’s the best way to get to know Jesus? We can’t sit down and talk with Jesus in the living room, nor walk with him down by the sea of Galilee.  But when we read and meditate on what Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote about the Son of God, he becomes real to us.  We can get to know him there and learn from not only the words he spoke but from the way he acted and the way he treated others.

As you read through these books, one chapter at a time, ask yourself these questions.  It will probably be helpful to write down your answers.

  1. Who is Jesus?  Not who is the Jesus you hear about on TV or learned about from a friend.  But who is Jesus in the book of Matthew or in the gospel according to John?
  2. Why did Jesus come to earth? What was his mission?  What was his aim?  What was most important to him?  These statements may not be as obvious but if you look for them, you will find them.
  3. What does Jesus expect from me?  How does knowing Jesus change my life?  I think the answer to this question is usually obvious once you have answered the first two questions.  And of course, this is where the rubber meets the road.  It doesn’t do us much good to get to know Jesus and then continue doing what we always did.  If the Son of God came to earth, what difference does that make in my life?

Spiritual transformation is the process of moving from the conformity to the world to conformity to Jesus. Spiritual growth means taking on the character of Christ.  In order for this to happen, you and I need to fix our eyes on Jesus.

Our lives depend on what we choose to think about.  It is essential to meditate on God’s word.  One of the best ways to do this is to memorize sections of scripture.  Choose the ones that speak the most to you and give you direction in your life. You might want to begin with Psalm 1, 23, 40, 46, 103, or 121.  Focus on the verses that you feel are most important.  Other chapters might be Romans 8 or 12; 1 Corinthians 13; and Colossians 3.

You will need people in your life who can help you and as the 12th step of AA says, you will want to share your message with others.  I believe that’s one reason God established the church.  We all need a spiritual family.  Friends who can stand beside us.  People to laugh with and shed tears with.  I encourage you to choose your church carefully and wisely.  Pray to God for guidance.  Seek out a group of people who want to follow Jesus and the teachings Jesus passed on to the apostles, as recorded in the New Testament.  Get involved.  Find trustworthy brothers and sisters in Christ who can hold you accountable and help you as you strive to grow to become more and more like Jesus.  This is the journey of a lifetime.

Obviously, there is always work to do as I seek to be the person Jesus wants me to be. We are all “in progress”.  I’m still dealing with a variety of sins (selfishness, pride, lust, anger, laziness—all mixed up in varying proportions).  But the Lord is here beside me to help me. I have brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow strugglers who can encourage me and point me in the right direction.

Learn more in the book: Jesus Is Better Than Porn

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